Our Programs

​Curriculum Goals
The long-term goal of Plymouth House Nursery School is to help children become enthusiastic learners. Children learn best when they are encouraged to be active and creative explorers who can test new ideas and think independent thoughts. As such, our curriculum is play-based and flexible, allowing for the children's interests to lead the way. Teachers provide opportunities for the children to grow in all areas of development, including:
Social Development: making friends, feeling of belonging within a group.
Emotional Development: sense of empathy, building self-confidence, practicing
Cognitive Development: acquiring skills to solve problems, ask questions and
express emotions
Physical Development: practicing fine motor skills, and strengthening muscles and coordination through gross motor activities
​Program Options
We offer two-, three-, four- and five-day programs serving children ages 2- 6 years old. We offer a toddler program for our youngest friends, as well as a preschool and Pre-K program. Children are placed in classrooms for the academic year.
Early Drop Off - Early drop-off is available from 8:00-8:30am and can be used consistently or on an as-needed basis.
Morning Program – Our morning program runs from 8:30-11:45am.
Extended Day - We offer multiple options for extended day from 11:45am-3:30pm. This program can be guaranteed through a contract or used on an as-needed basis when space is available.

Enrichment Programs
We provide enrichment programs in addition to our daily curriculum. These programs include music, dance, movement classes and storytelling. We also enjoy visits from community partners such as the local fire department and a dental hygienist. We encourage parental involvement and have a Mystery Reader Program where family members can come in and surprise our students with a favorite book.